
Avoiding Conflicts by clarifying Expectations

Clarifying expectations is one of those behaviours that we rarely pay enough attention to. Yet it would be so powerful, and it could strengthen our relationships. It is the behaviour of prevention because if you focus on this one upfront, you will avoid many heartaches and headaches later on. So why are we hesitant when it comes to sharing what we expect from each other? I assume it is because

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Christina Wanke Business Coaching Führungscoaching Personality Development

How you significantly increase the of success of your performance

Is what you want to convey getting through to your listeners? Do you appear convincing as a person? If you ask yourself two particular key questions before an important meeting or appearance, you will increase your chances of success many times over. They have proven to be very useful in my coaching sessions on several occasions As a manager or specialist, you spend a large part of your time talking

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Innoaction Executive Coaching Leadership Coaching Persönlichkeitsentwicklung

Increasing Positive Moments in your Work and Life: Don’t just think it – say it!

William James once said: “The deepest principle in human nature is the craving to be appreciated.” The need for recognition seems to be ever-present, wherever and whenever we find ourselves spending time with others.   At the workplace, respective complaints are expressed frequently: ‚I do not receive enough recognition for what I deliver, for what I contribute, for how much energy I put in this project…’. Sometimes I find myself wondering:

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Christina Wanke Executive Coaching Führungscoaching Leadership Coaching

Why trust does not develop by itself.
And what you can specifically do to get there.

“Ms. Wanke, I’d like more openness and trust in the team, and I’d like to spend a day building it.” I can understand this request very well. A culture of mutual trust is one of the most valuable characteristics a team can achieve. It allows a team to collaborate effectively and in a pleasant atmosphere. Mutual trust increases both speed and quality. Everyone can move directly towards the common goal

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Christina Wanke Executive Coaching Business Coaching

If you aim to build trust – listen!

In a world of extroverts, it is all about speaking. And in the world of the internet, it is mainly about reading and writing. So we might ask ourselves: where are those who listen? Many of us seek fulfilling relationships based on trust. Hence it might be worthwhile to engage with this interpersonal habit more consciously. One of the reasons we do not care about listening anymore might be that

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